Introducing Australian BioResources (ABR) Pty Ltd.
ABR supports progress in modern medical research by breeding and housing a variety of genetically modified mice colonies (also known as ‘lines’) that are critical for progress in research across all health priority areas, including cancer, mental illness, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. We are also proud to offer a range of specialised services to further support our clients.
Mouse Lines
Our dedicated staff undergo specialized training in breeding and caring for these mice, prioritizing their welfare above all else. All mice bred within our facility are Specific Pathogen Free (SPF), ensuring they are free from diseases that could compromise animal welfare and experimental outcomes.
- Import/Export of live mice through our Approved Arrangement with Biosecurity Australia
- Import/Export of frozen embryos or sperm through our Approved Arrangement with Biosecurity Australia
- Rederivation of lines to Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) standards
- CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing for customised mouse lines. (link to MEGA)
- Cryopreservation and recovery of frozen lines (link to services – cryopreservation
- Mouse Genotyping Service
- Surgical mouse models
Clients can place service requests and track progress through the user-friendly Stuart Web platform
Introducing Stuart & Stuart Web - ABR's bespoke Animal Management System
Our skilled animal technicians interact with Stuart by using virtual bench, minimising laborious data entry and recording all activity in real time. The Stuart Web platform provides researchers with unparalleled access to information about their breeding colonies, including genotypes from tissue collected at ABR and processed by the Garvan Molecular Genetics (GMG) Mouse Genotyping Service. We strive to provide researchers with a user-friendly interface that empowers them with comprehensive insights into their mouse colonies.
Partner Benefits
Research institutes and universities can become ABR partners and access a number of benefits including a 15% discount on all prices, by committing to minimum use of ABR over a 1-2 year period.
For further information contact